Digital Marketer

Digital marketer (or Internet marketer) is a specialist working in a number of sales, analytics, promotion and advertising of services and goods on the Internet
Difficulty level: Medium
Average salary: $500-3000/month
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Who 'is Digital Marketer?

Digital marketer (or Internet marketer) is a specialist working in a number of sales, analytics, promotion and advertising of services and goods on the Internet.

The main tasks of a digital marketer are: getting maximum attention from customers and potential buyers; interaction with consumers; turn attention into buying and paying for products or services.

List of courses

Professional course suggestions will be provided here - you can explore each link and choose what suits you best!


ChatGPT in simple words

Duration: 3 год


Marketing Director

Duration: 1.5 місяці

Check the price on the website

The Complete Digital Marketing Guide - 24 Courses in 1

Duration: 76 год 8 хв


VIP Digital Marketing Master Course : 31 Courses in 1

Duration: 64 год 48 хв


Digital marketer

Duration: 60 лекцій


Strategic marketing

Duration: 1,5 місяці


Digital marketing

Duration: 2 місяці



Duration: 1,5 місяці


Marketing Director

Duration: 2 місяці


Marketing. Basis

Duration: 2 місяці

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