VIP Digital Marketing Master Course : 31 Courses in 1

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Digital Marketing Course : Instagram marketing, Facebook, SEO, Google ads, Youtube, Email & Mailchimp, Wordpress & ...  


Course Description

VIP Digital Marketing Master Course : 31 Courses in 1

In this digital & Social Media Marketing course You will learn:

  • Marketing Fundamentals:

    • Pro Market Research

    • Marketing Planning


  • Website Marketing:

    • Build a website with low budget

    • Build an advanced website with more budget

    • Website Optimization

    • Search engine optimization - SEO

    • Email Marketing

    • Email automation

    • Copywriting


  • Social Media Marketing:

    • Instagram marketing

      • Beginner

      • Intermediate

      • Ads

      • Advanced

    • Facebook marketing

      • Beginner

      • Intermediate

      • Ads

      • Advanced

    • Pinterest marketing & ads

    • Linkedin marketing

    • Youtube Marketing

    • Twitter Marketing

    • Google ads

    • Google analytics


  • Digital Marketing Mentality:

    • Cognitive biases

    • Business energies

    • Marketing Mindset


  • How to make money with marketing:

    • Social media marketing agency

      • Forming your agency

      • Pricing

      • Finding clients

      • Getting clients

      • Creating a team

      • Manage clients

    • Freelancer


  • Entrepreneurship Mindset

  • And more ...


This course is a complete package for people who want to learn marketing and start to make money with it , either by selling your own product, or by working as a freelancer for other companies or start your own social media marketing agency.


Along the course we will learn both how you can do a successful marketing for on different channels and how you can build a successful business with clear instructions.


All the course documents are written and available with lots of bonuses and prepared templates, to make the process of learning and working as a digital marketer become easier.

VIP Digital Marketing Master Course : 31 Courses in 1
Language of course:
64 год 48 хв
Format of the event:
Video lectures


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