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Go through the full journey of developing marketing strategies with Yuriy Gladkyi, CEO of Grape, a brand marketing agency. Among his clients: Visa, Monobank, PrivatBank, MHP, L'Oreal, Silpo, Corteva, ENSO. 

Course Description

After the course, you will: - Analyze the market and understand your audience - Create a positioning strategy and brand image - Know how to differentiate yourself from competitors - Build a pricing strategy - Work confidently with sales channels - Develop integrated marketing strategies

You will study the following topics: A product that is loved A unique selling proposition is not a legend that is talked about among marketers, but a tool that you can use to conquer the market. In the course, we will share methodologies for creating successful products from scratch, such as Design Thinking and Jobs-to-be-Done. We'll show you how to formulate a value message and communicate it to the target audience Brand positioning There are hundreds of products, but only a few brands. We will share the key identifiers that make a brand stronger than others on the market. You will learn how to create a unique positioning, build a brand architecture, and define its voice. And do everything you can to reach out to your customers and establish contact with them Implementing a marketing campaign Plans are good, but how do you start implementing them? To do this, we will explain how to determine the budget for marketing and promotion channels based on business resources. As a result of the course, you will have a marketing strategy and a tactical plan for achieving it - a description of all brand activities

Language of course:
1,5 місяці
Format of the event:
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