Digital marketing

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In 12 lessons, you will learn how to analyze advertising campaigns to attract more audience without spending too much on your budget, as well as improve rankings using SEO optimization and contextual advertising tools.

The course will take you through a comprehensive path from deciding what goals you want to achieve with an advertising campaign to analyzing its effectiveness as part of a strategy. You will learn how to identify what worked for your audience in the PPC, which channels were the most profitable, and how to achieve greater bra

Course Description

To get the most out of your advertising campaigns, you will learn how to set up your Google Ads account, launch YouTube campaigns, and achieve your KPIs with PPC and contextual advertising. Using real business cases as examples, you will learn how targeted advertising works, what a working creative is, and how to achieve campaign goals with the help of current Facebook features and tools.

Lecturer: Oleksiy Popov, Head Of Digital Marketing at PrivatBank - Has over 17 years of experience in marketing and PR - Manages marketing activities for more than 250 services and products at PrivatBank - Worked with companies such as: ARGO-retail, LeBoutique, SOCAR Energy Ukraine, Foxtrot, Kyivstar, JSC Delta Bank - Developed digital project plans for 50+ Privat24 products: web and mobile push notifications, work with marketing communication channels, email marketing, targeting of social media campaigns - Engaged in brand building and marketing support, namely accurate audience segmentation, data analysis and end-to-end analytics of effective advertising campaigns

Digital marketing
Language of course:
2 місяці
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Duration: 1,5 місяці

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