Strategic marketing

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Learn how to increase your company's ROI, track promotion trends, and conquer new markets with a comprehensive marketing strategy

Course Description

During the course you will 
- improve the marketing plan, create an analytical framework for the company
- describe the elements of the company's micro and macro environment
- correctly set marketing priorities
- map competitors, analyze the advantages according to the VRIO model, and formulate pricing strategies from the marketing mix
- develop a strategy for positioning the brand in the market so that everyone knows about you - identify the stages after which the consumer remains dissatisfied
- create a communication map
- understand how to create demand for your product

Lecturer: Tetiana Lukinyuk, B2C director at Kyivstar - worked as CMO at Coca-Cola, Oriflame, SUN InBev Ukraine, Mars Ukraine - was CEO at Red Bull Ukraine - made Oriflame the #1 cosmetics and perfumery brand in Ukraine in 2009 - launched the Bud brand, which is still a leader in its niche - teaches at The Chartered Institute of Marketing (UK) and Kyiv School of Economics

Strategic marketing
Language of course:
1,5 місяці
Format of the event:
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