Product analytics

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Become a versatile analyst by mastering 20+ tools to work with any product. You don't need to use all 30+ basic, marketing, financial, and business metrics for your product. In this course, you will learn how to choose the metrics you need for your product and how to combine them to perform an effective analysis with valuable insights.

Course Description

You'll master a pool of tools to collect, analyze and interpret data, and learn how to find valuable insights to improve user experience through behavioral segmentation and cohort analysis. Master the work with the TARS framework to evaluate the quality aspects of individual product features. Learn when and why to run the A/B test and how to interpret its results for practical use. On the course, you will understand the basic financial metrics, stop getting lost in the P&L report and understand how and where to apply unit-economics to obtain valuable insights for financial planning.

LADA KLISHCHENKO, Head of Product Analytics at Kyivstar - leads the team of analysts at Kyivstar. (about 27 million subscribers and 10 million active users of digital products) in working on products such as My Kyivstar, Kyivstar website, Kyivstar Shop, as well as Kyivstar TV and a number of B2B-produktіv - developed end-to-end analytics between web and app products in Kyivstar - implemented the process of testing and prioritizing ideas within the team in Wivstar elltech. (Amazing Apps) (+ 150 million downloads) - improved user experience in more than 10 applications in the Health & Fitness and Productivity industry - managed a team of analysts to launch a new airSlate product and optimize marketing in PDFfiller. (100 million users) = improved the return rate of users in the Muscle Booster app (over 1.5 million downloads)

INVITED LECTURER Alex Balykov, Director of Product and Operations at Nimbus Platform From scratch, he built together with the team product and financial analytics at Nimbus Platform, a digital communications platform used by more than 1 million teams, including: Sony, Netflix, Airbnb, Intel, Lenovo and L'Oreal. In 2021, Google Chrome mentions Nimbus Capture as one of Google Chrome's most beloved performance enhancements. Alex is responsible for the growth and product roadmap and manages the UX department and analytics department, and has over 8 years of robo experience.

Product analytics
Language of course:
1,5 місяці
Format of the event:
Ціну уточнюйте у менеджерів на сайті


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