Excel and Power BI for data analysis

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This is a hands-on course where you will learn how to work with Excel, Power Query, and Power BI to analyze and visualize data independently, find connections between them, understand every aspect of the information you receive, and turn it into effective solutions.

In this course, you'll start with an overview of Excel functions for searching and filtering data, learn how to work with formulas and text, and learn how to customize tables. Next, you'll learn about Power Query and how to prepare data for analysis and avoid mistakes. And then

Course Description

Bogdan Duda, BI Analyst at a Fortune 500 company

- has 18+ years of experience in analytics
- has a PhD in Economics
- has been working with Excel since the first day of his career
- built management accounting from scratch at CFT
- automated inventory planning at Nike's warehouse in the USA
- implemented and improved a huge number of technical innovations in management accounting at Klingspor
- is currently working on a project for the State Statistics Service of Ukraine

Excel and Power BI for data analysis
Language of course:
2 місяці
Format of the event:
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