HR manager

HR is a person who manages the processes of attracting and retaining employees in a company
Difficulty level: Средний
Average salary: $500-1800/month
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Who 'is HR manager?

HR is a person who manages the processes of attracting and retaining employees in a company. The main responsibility is to accompany the employee throughout the entire time of his work in the company.

An HR manager helps employees adapt to the team, resolves conflict situations, monitors the professional development of specialists, their satisfaction with working in the company, motivation, operational issues (salary, statistics, vacation calculation), non-material bonuses.

List of courses

Professional course suggestions will be provided here - you can explore each link and choose what suits you best!


Corporate culture

Duration: 1 місяць



Duration: 1,5 місяці


HR Director

Duration: 1,5 місяці


HR manager

Duration: 1,5 місяці


Business English for HR

Duration: 3,5 місяці

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