Business English for HR

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This course will help not only to translate HR documentation, but also to feel confident in communicating in English - from presentations to interviews as a recruiter and candidate.

Also consider:

- real cases of international companies
- HR- and recruiting trends in English
- unconventional business correspondence with foreigners
- facilitation of discussions in the cross-cultural team

Course Features

Background required for top results

Namely - knowledge of English at the V1 level and experience in HR

Course Description


Iryna Prysiazhniuk

Business English Teacher

- has 12 years of teaching experience in Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute and language schools, as well as individually
- received international certification TESOL
- develops and teaches customized English courses for technical and HR specialists
- focuses on creative tasks to overcome the language barrier and improve the skills of oral and written communication

Nadiia Chornokur

HR Business Partner у Payoneer Germany

- has 9 years of international experience in various HR positions
- at Payoneer Germany manages the transformation and integration of all HR processes of the German office into the global structure of the company
- implemented organizational changes in Ciklum and monitored compliance with GDPR in EU countries
- how Global HRBP Support at Melexis helped implement Global HRIS for 11 company representative countries

Olga Khorosh

Business English Teacher

- 10 + years teaching English, of which 5 years - at the State University "Zhytomyr Polytechnic"
received an international Cambridge CELTA certificate
- More than 3 years teaching business English for companies
- uses real-life cases and communicative teaching methods to better understand the language

Business English for HR
Language of course:
3,5 місяці
Format of the event:
Ціну уточнюйте у менеджерів


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