Sales Director

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Build a sales team that will boost company profits Learn how to create sales plans based on numbers, not intuition. Laba's commercial director with 12 years of experience in sales will teach you how to strategically influence the company's revenue, motivate salespeople to exceed KPIs, and implement analytics. Upgrading the sales team during the training We have not only adapted the class materials to the realities of the market, but also developed appropriate homework assignments so that you can hone your skills on your own company's case. This w

Course Description

Tools of the Sales Manager In practice, you will learn how to write scripts and sales proposals, as well as select sales techniques to implement in the department. You will master the tools for hiring, adapting, and managing sales managers. You will receive checklists for analytics and automation of work in the department.

LECTURER ILYA REINISH Commercial Director and co-owner of Laba Group Since joining Laba, he has increased turnover more than 128 times Together with the team, he has successfully launched the Laba educational platform in 7 European markets Manages sales teams of 250+ employees in Ukraine, Poland, the Czech Republic, Romania, Hungary, Turkey, Germany, England, and the United States He is included in the Forbes 30 Under 30 rating He has built a sales system and conducted training at StarLightMedia, Agrosem, Fondy, PocketBook, Mercedes-Benz, Eco-Lavka, Kyivstar, and Luxoft

Sales Director
Language of course:
1,5 місяці
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