B2B sales

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There will be no systematic B2B sales without a strategy. An expert with 15 years of experience in sales and the owner of a top consulting company will help you establish a reliable relationship with a client from the moment of the offer to the partnership agreement.

In the course, we will teach you how to build a strategy of interaction in various sales channels, prepare a commercial offer for the target audience, and work through objections to increase customer engagement and retention.

We will also analyze step by step the differ

Course Description


Mykhailo Haichuk

Has 15 years of experience in sales - 6 of them as a sales director

- has made more than 200+ public speeches in companies and at conferences, as well as more than 3000 meetings with top managers and owners of Ukrainian and international companies
- advised on sales for such companies as: CrossFit Banda, Planeta Kino, Ecosoft, MTB Bank, and others
Worked for Pokupon, WIFI BAR, Etachki, SOL
- closed a sales check worth $70,000 in business training
- Founder of the consulting company GD Consulting
- for 9 months was the best manager among 20 others in the sales department at Pokupon

B2B sales
Language of course:
1,5 місяці
Format of the event:
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