Product Manager PRO

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Go through the full product development cycle from market analysis to release, monetization, and scaling to manage and improve your product to meet user, market, and business needs. In 24 classes you will learn how to
- build a product development strategy for large companies
- search for problems and formulate hypotheses using User Research, Customer Development, Customer Journey Map, and in-depth interviews
- use a data-driven approach in your work

Course Description

Go through the full product development cycle from market analysis to release, monetization, and scaling to manage and improve your product to meet user, market, and business needs. In 24 classes you will learn how to
- build a product development strategy for large companies
- search for problems and formulate hypotheses using User Research, Customer Development, Customer Journey Map, and in-depth interviews
- use a data-driven approach in your work
- collect and process product metrics, growth metrics, efficiency and value-added metrics
- plan and create a product roadmap
- monitor product sustainability and retain users after subscription/purchase
The five students with the highest scores will receive individual consultations on their products from the lecturers.


Oleksandr Matiyasevych
Senior Product Manager at DeepL
9+ years of experience in product management
built and released 50+ features within Personio
worked as a PM at Wargaming, where he built a global developer community and an ecosystem of resources for more than 100 million users
managed the collaboration between the product team and 20+ external teams

Sergiy Matchuk
Product Lead at Quarks (Genesis partner) - a technology company that creates products in the field of Social Discovery & Dating
9+ years of experience, 7 of which are in product development and management
launched and scaled the Kismia mobile application at Quarks
coordinated the development of the Sense Super App mobile bank with a team of 50+ engineers
has experience in launching own projects and working as a UX designer
products in the portfolio: Kismia, Sense Super App, AlfaMobile Ukraine, Portmone, UAPAY, Goodsend, AHOW, Taplend (the last three are in-house projects)

Product Manager PRO
Language of course:
3 місяці
Format of the event:
Virtual classrooms
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