Business analyst in IT

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Go through a comprehensive path of product business analysis: from selecting different techniques for each situation to presenting ideas to stakeholders. All of this is based on a practical business case under the mentorship of Nati Nazar, who led the Business Analysis Office at SoftServe with a staff of up to 400 analysts.

After the course, you will be able to:
analyze business and find needs for product development
model business processes using BPMN diagrams
create clear product use cases

Course Description

Go through a comprehensive path of product business analysis: from selecting different techniques for each situation to presenting ideas to stakeholders. All of this is based on a practical business case under the mentorship of Nati Nazar, who led the Business Analysis Office at SoftServe with a staff of up to 400 analysts.

After the course, you will be able to:
analyze business and find needs for product development
model business processes using BPMN diagrams
create clear product use cases

Course lecturer: Nati Nazar

11+ years of practical experience in business analysis of the IT industry

Former Director of Service Excellence and Change Management CoE at SoftServe
Co-founder of Business Analysis Community with more than 3000 members
Managed Business Analysis Office at SoftServe with a staff of up to 400 analysts
As a mentor and trainer, she trains internal BAs at SoftServe
Initiated and integrated an innovation hub at SoftServe for testing business ideas and market research
Responsible for the development of the new Change Management competency at SoftServe - shaping the structure of services for a company of 14,000 employees and clients

Business analyst in IT
Language of course:
2 місяці
Format of the event:
Virtual classrooms
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