Management of IT teams

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Improve your soft and hard skills in managing multiple IT teams, get practical strategies and tools for effective team-leadership

Course Description

How to be, not appear to be, a leader In this course, we will go a little further than the others. We will explain how to be a real manager, a leader, and a friend to the team. You will learn how to develop a personal brand. Master situational leadership based on the Hersey-Blanchard model. Get motivation and inspiration from the best SoftServe business mentor to act with confidence and courage. 20+ cases, 12 assignments, business games Yes, this is an 80% practical course, and you simply won't be able to leave with just theory. We have combined interactive exercises during classes + homework + analysis of real cases + role-playing games + personal feedback and recommendations from the teacher. You will have access to these materials forever. A motivated team behind a powerful company Forming a dream team is half the battle, and the other challenge is to adapt, retain, and develop this team. During the training, you will receive a pool of tools to prevent burnout and manage stress factors. You will be able to maintain mental health and turn a group of people into a cohesive team of like-minded people.

Lecturer: Dmytro Irzhytskyi, Delivery Director at SoftServe - has 20 years of practical experience in IT, 9+ of which are at SoftServe - manages a team of 200+ employees - led multinational teams, managed several projects and portfolios of various sizes and complexity in the following areas: healthcare, manufacturing, insurance business - author of SoftServe master classes and webinars

Management of IT teams
Language of course:
1,5 місяці
Format of the event:
Ціну уточнюйте у менеджерів на сайті


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