Data Engineering

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The course is for those who want to put their data architecture in order and master the key tools of a data engineer in practice. In this course, we will start with basic Python and SQL expressions that will help you find the correct data. Next, we will learn how to set up ETL processes and transfer data between systems, run automatic updates of data pipelines, and build scalable Big Data Platforms.
As a result, you will master 6 key tools of a data engineer and communicate the right metrics to make effective business decisions.

Course Description

The course is for those who want to put their data architecture in order and master the key tools of a data engineer in practice. In this course, we will start with basic Python and SQL expressions that will help you find the correct data. Next, we will learn how to set up ETL processes and transfer data between systems, run automatic updates of data pipelines, and build scalable Big Data Platforms.
As a result, you will master 6 key tools of a data engineer and communicate the right metrics to make effective business decisions.

Lecturer -Mykhailo Lazoryk

Data Engineer at Grid Dynamics
has 6+ years of experience with Big Data and 2+ years of teaching experience
started his career as a Python developer at Ericsson
has experience working with global clients such as Jabil
worked with large amounts of data, was responsible for building ETL processes
implemented solutions in marketing, logistics, and telecommunications

Data Engineering
Language of course:
2 місяці
Format of the event:
Virtual classrooms
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