Brand Communications

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You will have 11 lessons to deal with the field of communications and understand where to start. Learn to analyze competitors and brand communication. You will find your target audience and make a plan to work with it. You can generate ideas for information drives, work with media, influencers and brand speakers.

As a result, you will receive skills, form a CV and create a communication plan. For your карʼєри and successful brand scaling

Course Description


Nastya Gumenyuk

6 + years in communications

- Last year working with PR educational projects of Ukrainian IT company
- worked as a communicator in the Ministry of Digital Transformation with projects Diya.Business and Diya.Osvita
- Together with friends, she created a charitable community cheriti.feriti, where all collected funds are directed to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine
- Together with the agency's team, Quadrate28 developed and implemented the "Thank you with the heart" information campaign supported by Silpo, OLX, McDonald's, COMFY, Planeta Kino,, Darnitsa
- built communication strategies for SMEs
- worked with communications in government agencies, creative industry and business

Guest lecturers

Taisiya Kudenko

Head of PR and communications Balbek Bureau

Lit up in the Republic of Kazakhstan after 7 years of work in the media. Manages the balbek bureau communication team and prepares speakers for events in the USA, England and
Germany. He is proud of his work on Slava Balbek's TED talk, publications in The Telegraph and texts for installation in Antarctica.

Sasha Brain

Creative marketer BetterMe

6 years of experience in communications and marketing. She worked with international and Ukrainian brands. Developed strategies
for Shell, BestNuts, Homka, Lifecell, Respublika Park, Payoneer, Hilton, Oh My Look! projects. Now she is developing creative approaches in marketing for BetterMe products in the international market.

Brand Communications
Language of course:
2 місяці
Format of the event:
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