Analyst of financial markets

Financial market analyst is a specialist who analyzes the state of the market, summarizes information and prepares recommendations for making investment decisions
Difficulty level: Medium
Average salary: $400-3000/month
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Who 'is Analyst of financial markets?

Financial market analyst is a specialist who analyzes the state of the market, summarizes information and prepares recommendations for making investment decisions. The purpose of the work of such a specialist is to collect, verify and analyze data in the financial markets.

List of courses

Professional course suggestions will be provided here - you can explore each link and choose what suits you best!


Financial manager

Duration: 1,5 місяці

Financial analysis

Duration: 1 місяць

Operational management

Duration: 2 місяці

Financial Analysis

Duration: 1 місяць

Business English for financiers

Duration: 3,5 місяці

Economy for every day

Duration: 4 тижні


Investor Ethics

Duration: 12 год


Fundamentals of finance and investment

Duration: 4 тижні


Introduction to Corporate Finance

Duration: 1 год 32 хв


Economics for everyone

Duration: 5 тижнів

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