Financial manager

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Improve your financial management skills: from understanding how to analyze key report indicators to the ability to strategically influence business results

CPD Endorsed Course
This course is certified by the British accreditation institution CPD (Continuing Professional Development). You will receive 19.5 CPD hours for completing it.

Course Description

It's nice to be inspired by the examples of successful financial managers, but you'll learn by doing. You will analyze cases, plan budgets, analyze reports, and suggest optimization steps. You will also build a risk matrix for your company. Personal feedback from the instructor Vitaliy Vereshchagin will help you develop a comprehensive understanding of financial management, and he will share feedback on your homework throughout the course. You will be able to ask any questions, analyze mistakes, and get recommendations from the teacher.

Lecturer: Vitaliy Vereshchagin, General Manager at Caparol Ukraine - more than 15 years of experience in finance: in manufacturing, FMCG, IT and logistics - worked as a financial director at Three Bears (one of the leaders in the production of semi-finished products in Ukraine) - held the position of Senior Financial Manager at Miratech (included in the list of the 100 best outsourcing companies according to Fortune magazine) - mentor of MBA programs at Kyiv Mohyla Business School


Financial manager
Language of course:
1,5 місяці
Format of the event:
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