HTML and CSS: the basics of layout

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This course on the basics of layout will be a great start for those who are just starting out in web development. We offer clear and easy lessons that will help you take your first steps in this area. And for those who already have some experience, our course will be a great opportunity to deepen their knowledge. Our course will also be useful, for example, for graphic designers who want to expand their skill stack and open up new career prospects.

Course Description

The HTML and CSS: Layout Basics course is about learning such tools as HTML and CSS, which we use to transfer the designer's layout to the website page, i.e. to layout a web page!

Do you want to master the full range of website layout skills from the very beginning?

Then this course is perfect for you. Yaou will not only gain fundamental knowledge but also learn how to use the latest technologies and tools. You will quickly learn how to design pages so that they look stylish and professional. And most importantly, you will lay a solid foundation for further development in the Front-end.

HTML and CSS: the basics of layout
NT Academy
Language of course:
2,63 місяців
Format of the event:
Ціну учтонюйте на сайті у менеджерів


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