AWS for beginners

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Learn how to work with cloud-native systems and build your own application for data storage in the AWS system. Amazon Web Services is the largest and most developed cloud service provider as of 2022, with 200+ services and 33% of the total market. For comparison: Microsoft Azure - 21%, Google Cloud Platform - 8%. AWS allows you to easily scale your infrastructure up or down, deploy software instantly, which helps you respond quickly to market changes.

Course Description

Learn how to work with cloud-native systems and build your own application for data storage in the AWS system. Amazon Web Services is the largest and most developed cloud service provider as of 2022, with 200+ services and 33% of the total market. For comparison: Microsoft Azure - 21%, Google Cloud Platform - 8%. AWS allows you to easily scale your infrastructure up or down, deploy software instantly, which helps you respond quickly to market changes.

In the course, you will learn how to develop and implement various cloud architectures using AWS services. In 12 online classes and 12 practical assignments, you will be able to complete the full development cycle using cloud services, get the necessary tools to move to a serverless architecture, and create your own application in AWS.


Dmytro Khmelenko
Senior Backend Developer at Preply
12 years in development: worked at Freeletics, which develops training based on artificial intelligence; built customer identification systems for Shopify marketing tasks; also worked at MobiLab Solutions GmbH and Mobile Effort IT Services
Received four official certifications from AWS
Author of 2 books - Unlock the Code: The Ultimate Guide to Advancing from Junior to Senior Software Engineer in 7 Actionable Steps and AWS Essentials: Key Components To Launching Your First Cloud Application

AWS for beginners
Language of course:
1.5 місяці
Format of the event:
Virtual classrooms
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