QA Automation Java

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If you already have experience in manual testing, this course will help you develop your skills in automated testing and become a more professional tester.

Course Description

The main points that will be studied during the course
Automated testing of web applications
You'll learn what automated testing is, how it differs from manual testing, and why it's important for developing high-quality software.

 Java Programming
The course involves using the Java programming language to write automated tests. You will have the opportunity to learn the basics of Java or deepen your knowledge if you are already familiar with the language.

 Tools for automation
The course will be based on one of the most popular tools for automating web applications - Selenium Web Driver. You will understand how to integrate Selenium into your automated tests and how to use it to interact with web pages.

Work with real projects
Step by step, you'll do hands-on tasks on real web applications. This will allow you to gain hands-on experience and skills that you can use in your work.

Tracking and reporting tools
You will learn how to use tracking tools and generate reports on the results of automated tests. This is important for monitoring your tests and for reporting issues.

Integration with CI/CD
You'll learn how to integrate automated tests into the CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment) process, which will allow you to automatically run tests every time you change your code.

QA Automation Java
QA Engineer
Language of course:
2 місяці
Format of the event:
Virtual classrooms


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