Computer Vision

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The task of a computer vision specialist is to teach algorithms to confidently navigate the world around them and minimize system bugs. The task of robot_dreams is to help you understand the tools and approaches used to implement CV projects.

We will start with pixel operations and creating programs for digital photo processing. Then we'll learn how to perform basic image and video manipulations: filtering and border selection, encoding and compression, classification, detection, tracking, and segmentation. And then we will build and train

Course Description

Jan Koloda
Senior Computer Vision & Machine Learning Engineer at Gini GmbH

- computer vision expert with 6 years of experience in various industries
- develops models that automatically extract information from documents using AI at Gini, a German fintech startup, which is used by 3 largest banks in Germany: Deutsche Bank, Commerzbank, KfW
- at AVL Software and Functions, he designed deep learning pipelines for autonomous driving and developed image and video processing algorithms for self-driving cars
- worked at Veridas, where he developed a machine learning-based image counterfeiting system with an accuracy of over 99% - these methods are part of the first biometric payment system deployed in Spain
- taught digital image/video processing and Computer Vision at the University of Granada [Spain] and the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg [Germany]
- holds a PhD degree in Image Processing & Computer Vision

Computer Vision
Language of course:
2,5 місяця
Format of the event:
Ціну уточнюйте у менеджерів на сайті


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